Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Page 6 - December 1, 1862 - through December 17, 1862

If this is your first time here and you want to read the previous posts click here. Each post consists of a transcription of two facing pages of the diary of Henry S. Archer, Quartermaster, 32nd Miss. Vol. This is page 6.  There is a seven day period from Dec 10th through Dec 16th when he does not make any entries.

Left Side

Station where we lay
over untill Monday mor-
ning. December Monday
1st 1862. We left for
Montgomery. Where we ?
? 5 o'clock. We left
Montgomery Tuesday morning
and came to Westpoint on
the 3rd. Lay over all night. 
Thursday morning 4th.
We then left for
? on the 5th. We arrived
there on the evening of the 5th
where we remained until
the 6th when we left for 
Moulton, Ga. December
Saturday 6th 1862 We report
to Chatanooga. We arrived
here today and hope to stay
here & can't tell how long.
The Lord's day Decemb 7th 1862.
We just lay around here

Right side
in an old box car. Dec.
Monday 8th I went out to a
home and got breakfast for
$1.00. December Tuesday 9th
Here I am in Chatanooga
yet I am very tired of this place
and I know the boys are need-
ing of the clothing which I have
for them but the road is
crowded with army stores
that they will not take my
clothing. I remained at
this point untill the mor
ning of the 17th Decem 17th
We left all right for
Bridgeport. Got there but
could not get across the
river. So I went out
in the country and
stayed all night with
one Mr. Todd. And when
we got got back to the

Monday, November 21, 2011

Page 5 Wednesday November 19, 1862 - November 29, 1862

If this is your first time here and you want to read the previous post click here.  Each post consists of a transcription of two facing pages of the diary of Henry S. Archer, Quartermaster, 32nd Miss. Vol. This is page 5.

Left side
"... night with Mr. Taber.
Nobmr. Wednesday 19th
I came home. Home
Thursday was geting
our clothing. 20, 21 &
22 was engaged in boxing
up my clothing that I had ob
tained for the 32 Reg Miss.
I spent the Lords day
with Broth. Bob Donald
son. Nov. Monday 24th
I was making arraigments
for getting my clothing
sent on to Saltillo.
Nov Tuesday I started
for my command which
was reported as being
at Murfreesboro Tenns.
I reached Saltillo on
Wednesday the 26th and
left on the train for
Mobile Ala"

Right Side

"I reached Mobile on the
night of the 27th in
Company with Col. M.P.
Lowrey and about 52
men all bound for
the 32nd. All having toget
her about 5000 lbs of
clothing for the boys.
Our women are doing
a great and noble work
in preparing clothing for
their sons, and husbands
in the army. I spent the
28th in Mobile in geting
rations for the squads
and looking around.
On the morning of the 29th
we took pasage on the
Mary Wilson for Ten
sad Landing. We then took
the train for Montgomery.
We went on to Polard"...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Page 4 November 13 - 18, 1862

For the first time we have a date and narrative.  I have decided not to do each day since the days run together on the page, but will do one image with the left and right side and with whatever dates happen to be on those pages.  As you can see from this image some of the writing is very difficult to read.

Left Side

W. H. Yancy  Co. A.
2 cotton Shirts
1 Lincy    "
1 Kint     "
1 Par. pants
1 over coat
1 Bedtick
1 Par. socks
1 Bundle of clothing for
Wm. Malone, the contents
not known also 1 Blanket
2 Coats. 2 Vests. 2  pr.
pants. 2 par Drawers 1
pr. socks. To J A Smith.

Right Side
Thursday 13th 1862
I took dinner at Robt Donelsons.
Friday November 14th I took dinner at Pa's today and
then went to Zeb. Millers
and from there to Sister
Yancys. November Saturday
15th I was depositing clothing.
Stayed all night at Sister
Martins & Lodons. Sab
ath I took dinner at
Mr. Rob Donneldson
Spent the night at
brother Brammlets. I then
returned to Mrs. Yancys and
was geting the clothing sorted
November Monday 17th To
day I have to [march?] a  ?
? to Col. Lowrey at Cherry
Creek Pontotoc County.
Home Tuesday 18th.  ?
to  ?  town.  Spent the

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Page 3 Undated

Here is the next installment of the diary.  We are still only at the very beginning and there is no actual writing of H. S. Archer.  It seems to be lists he kept of clothing being issued to individuals in the 32nd Mississippi Regiment.   Just as a note, I have utilized Fireworks to attempt to enhance the quality of the image by either lightening, darkening, or "blurring" to help with the transcription.  I have not done any altering to any of the text in any way.

Left side

Benj. P Ratliff,  Co  C
1  Hen Jains Coat
1  Pr. "  "  Pants
1  "  Drawers
1  Sleaved vest
2  Shirts 1 cotton, + 1 Lincey
2  Pr. socks Woolen
1  "  Gloves
1  Comfort
1  Pr Suspenders
1  Cape
2 Blankets

[line to separate next list]
J. B. Stewart   Co. c
1 Blankett
1 Pr. Gloves
1 Comfort
1 Knit Cap
Right Side
J J Johnson     Co A
2 Pr. Pants Jains
2  "   Socks
1  "  ? Shirt
1  "  fr Gloves
[line separating list items]

J W Rowlons   Co A
1 Pr pants
1  " socks
[line separating list items] 
A Bundle of clothing for
G. Wood Co A 32 Regt Miss
vol. The contents not

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Page 2 Undated

I am using several rosters of the 32nd Mississippi Infantry to verify my interpretation of some of this writing.  If I find references to any of the men mentioned in the diary especially on these first pages I am adding that information to the post in the form of italized text within [].

Left Side
J. M. Anderson   $25.00  [Joseph M. Anderson Co. A Private 40 Enlisted March 7, 1862 Tishomingo County, Mississippi May and June 1862 Appointed 1st Cpl. May 1862. July and Aug. 1862 Was Cpl. reduced at his request 11 Sept. 1862--left at Graysville, Ga. in hospital sick Aug. 18, 1862. March and April 1863 Present, was Cpl. promoted 3rd Sgt. April 15, 1863. Nov. and Dec. 1863 Elected to the roll of honor for gallantry at Taylors Ridge, Nov. 27, 1863. ]

Abner Scrogins     20.00  [Abner Scroggins Co. A Private 30 Enlisted March 7, 1862 Tishomingo County, Mississippi May and June 1862 Present, hospital cook from 6 May 1862. July and Aug. 1862 Present, hospital cook from 6 May 1862. Nov. and Dec. 1862 Absent, left sick in hospital Winchester, Nov. 25, 1862. Jan. and Feb. 1863 Absent, in hospital Winchester, Tenn., 25 Nov. 1862. March and April 1863 Absent, detailed as cook in hospital, Tullehoma, Tenn., by order of Gen. Cleburn, March 20, 1863. May and June 1863 Absent, detailed as cook in hospital March 20, 63, by order of Gen. Cleburn. July and Aug. 1863 Absent, detached for hospital duty March 25, 63, by order of Gen. Cleburn. Sept. and Oct. 1863 Absent, extra duty, detailed for hospital duty March 25, 63, by order of Gen. Cleburn. Nov. and Dec. 1863 Absent, extra duty, detailed for hospital duty March 25, 63, by order of Gen. Cleburn. Jan. and Feb. 1864 Absent, extra duty, detailed for hospital duty March 25, 63, by order of Gen. Cleburn. March and April 1864 Absent, extra duty, detailed in hospital April 20, 63, by order of Gen. Cleburn. ]

1 Shirt.  Knit Cap
Comfort.  To Hartwell
Grisshom  Co C    [H.W. Grisham Co. C Private Enlisted May 1, 1862 Corinth, Mississippi ]

Wm. R Elliott  Co A  [R.W. Elliott Co. A Private 17 Enlisted March 31, 1862 Tishomingo County, Mississippi Paroled at Greensboro, N.C. May 1, 1865. ]
1 Blanket overcoat
1 pair of  pants
1 knit shirt. 1 linsey shirt.
1 pare of drawers - Linsy
2    "     "  socks (wolon)
1 Bundle of Clothing to
P. H. [&] J N Honnoll }Co A [J.N. Honnel Co. A Private 19 Enlisted March 7, 1862 Tishomingo County, Mississippi Sept. and Oct. 1863 Absent, wounded at the Battle of Chickamauga Sept. 20, 1863, furloughed Oct. 6, 63, 40 days to Mississippi. March and April 1864 Absent, sick, wounded in Battle of Chickamauga, furloughed from hospital Oct. 6, 63, 40 days, since reported by surgeon certificate, unable for duty. Name appears on a roll of prisoners, captured near Atlanta, July 22, 1864, discharged Camp Chase, July 30, 1864. Oath of Allegiance Place of residence Tishomingo County, Miss. Complexion Light Hair Light Eyes Blue Height 5'11" Age 24. ]
2 pare Pants
2   "  Drawers
2 Shirts
2 pare  socks
[written sideways to the right of the list]
1 over coat
1 pr. Pants
Right Side

? Anderson   Co  A
W. R. Sherell   " A   [U.R. Sherrill Co. A Private 25,  Enlisted March 7, 1862 Tishomingo County, Mississippi,  May and June 1862 Present, knapsack and canteen lost on the march
from Corinth, he reports that he was sick and could not carry them.  July and Aug. 1862 Absent, left Tupelo, Miss., in hospital sick July 28, 62, lost knapsack and canteen charged to him. Nov. and Dec. 1862 Present.  Jan. and Feb. 1863 Present.  March and April 1863 Present, was private appointed Cpl. April 26, 1863.  May and June 1863 Present.  July and Aug. 1863 Present.  Sept. and Oct. 1863 Present.  Nov. and Dec. 1863 Present, Cpl. promoted Sgt. Dec. 20, 1863.  Jan. and Feb. 1864 Present, re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864.  March and April 1864 Absent, furloughed for 30 days from 13 April 1864.
Jon J Caffey     Co. C   [J.E. Caffey Co. C Private,  Enlisted November 25, 1862 Wartrace, Tennessee]
J. H. C Walton       A  [J.H.C. Walton Co. A Private,  Enlisted May 7, 1862 Tishomingo County, Mississippi  May and June 1862 Absent, sent to rear sick by surgeon 21 May 1862.  July and Aug. 1862 Absent, sent to rear sick 28 May 1862 by surgeon, absent without leave.  Nov. and Dec. 1862 Present.  Jan. and Feb. 1863 Present.  March and April 1863 Present.  May and June  863 Present, sick in tent.  July and Aug. 1863 Died in hospital Chattanooga, July 7, 1862,

had on pers person $10.00, final statement given.]

Wm Turner

H. J. Blagg [H.J. Blagg Co. A Private, Enlisted May 11, 1862 Tishomingo County, Mississippi ]

Jno Moore

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Page 1 Undated

Here are the first two pages of the small book which is the Diary of Henry Stephen Archer Sr.  There is no date on these pages but it is sometime before Nov 13, 1862.

Page 1 - left side - (I am not sure if this page is actually part of H. S. Archer's writing but I will include everything.)
Mr. Soller Housley
     Martrace  Tenn
      Co. B  34th Regt Miss

Page 2 - right side
H. S. Archer's Book
A record the ? marks of
the 32nd Regiment Miss Vol.
Clothing for John
McElhannon Co. D
1 Blanket
1 Overcoat
2 Par. Pants
2   "    Drawers
2         Shirts
2   "     Socks
1   "    Gloves
1   "    Suspenders

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Beginning

As many of you are aware starting in April 2011 and going through June of 2012 various organizations across the country are sponsoring various events in recognition of the Sesquicentennial (150 years) anniversary of the Civil War.  It is an appropriate time for my new blog.  This is my small effort to share an amazing civil war artifact which I acquired in June of this year.  First just a little history on the who, what, where, when and how.  My gt. gt. gt. grandfather, Henry Stephen Archer Sr. (pictured to the left) was born in North Carolina in 1832 and lived his adult life in Mississippi.  He is a huge Brick Wall in my genealogy research.  About his family and himself I have a great deal of information; about his parents, not so much.  Regardless, before June of this year, I had a pretty good idea of who and what this man was.  I knew he was a Baptist minister and served various churches in the north east portion of Mississippi (Tishomingo county) as well as the south west part of Mississippi, Wilkinson county, in his later life.  I knew he had a large family.  I knew he was not a huge land owner.  I knew he did not own slaves.  I knew he was in the Civil War, enlisting 13 March 1862 in the 32nd Mississippi Infantry under Col. Lowry as a sergeant and maybe later in the 41st Mississippi Infantry as a chaplain.  I knew he died in 1909 in Wilkinson county, Mississippi. 

In June I received an email from a gentleman I didn’t know - found it in my online spam folder.  (This only gets checked once every month or so).  He had some information about H. S. Archer.  He sounded interesting so I contacted him via email.  The communication developed into daily contact and phone calls.  As it turns out this gentleman knew of a Diary which had been kept by my ancestor during a period of his enlistment in the Civil War!  

I know most of you can imagine the amazement I felt.  I really had to get my hands on this diary.  Quickly I found a bibliographic reference to the diary and contacted Vanderbilt Library only to discover the original microfilm referenced in the bibliography could NO LONGER BE FOUND in their collection.  You can imagine my disappointment. 

However, with a little further help from my friend Amanda Perrin, Librarian Extraordinaire and member of ProGen, I discovered a microfilm copy at the University of California at Santa Barbara.  I immediately contacted the library, inquiring about their ILL (Interlibrary Loan) policy.  Yes, you guessed it another road block, the Special Collections library would not lend to any of the libraries in my small town:  reason -  no “Special Collection Room”.  

Back to the gentleman who originally shared this knowledge with me.  He decided to try to get the microfilm through ILL in his place of residence; he lives in a much larger city.  The UCSB library agreed to loan the film.  Hooray!! Upon arrival of the film at his library however he was told the microfilm reader with the digital images functionality was broken!  Really!!!

So my friend, the very generous gentleman, seeing all other avenues blocked made photocopies of the diary pages.  Now so you understand, there are 142 pages to the diary!  Granted the book itself is relatively small…. probably only 3 x 5 inches, so each two pages could be copied as one page.  Even so that is about 75 pages.  And if you have been doing research since before computers, you know how high quality those photocopies of microfilm are.  Yeah, right!!

Regardless of all these negatives -  there were 142 pages of the diary, all written by my ancestor in 1862 through 1864.  OMG, I was beside myself waiting for those images.  Then came the part of this adventure when I attempted to explain to this wonderful gentleman how to scan the copies he had; how to put those digital images on a flash drive, (he said “a what drive?”) or even simply to put them in Dropbox for me.  I will not go there, some things are better left to hazy memories, kind of like childbirth.  Suffice it to say, I did finally receive the digital images.  I did finally get to read through all 142 pages of the diary; some pages more easily than others, and not just once but several times.  I also have been able to transcribe as much of the diary as is decipherable. 

So here on this blog the next step of this grand adventure will continue.  I thought it would be really cool to do a daily post from the diary on the 150 year anniversary but that would not be until this time next year and I just can’t wait.  So this will be the 149 year anniversary and I will be posting the image and my transcription for each day or days of this amazing diary. 

I have learned so much about my ancestor.  I still do not know who his parents were but I know the man now.  I know how he felt about things.  I know how he felt about his wife and children, about his way of life and about the war.  I realize he had an amazing sense of humor.  I learned he took joy in the beauty of the world.  I hope you enjoy the view, through this small window, into the heart and soul of a man who lived over one hundred years ago.