Left side
"... night with Mr. Taber.
Nobmr. Wednesday 19th
I came home. Home
Thursday was geting
our clothing. 20, 21 &
22 was engaged in boxing
up my clothing that I had ob
tained for the 32 Reg Miss.
I spent the Lords day
with Broth. Bob Donald
son. Nov. Monday 24th
I was making arraigments
for getting my clothing
sent on to Saltillo.
Nov Tuesday I started
for my command which
was reported as being
at Murfreesboro Tenns.
I reached Saltillo on
Wednesday the 26th and
left on the train for
Mobile Ala"
Right Side
"I reached Mobile on the
night of the 27th in
Company with Col. M.P.
Lowrey and about 52
men all bound for
the 32nd. All having toget
her about 5000 lbs of
clothing for the boys.
Our women are doing
a great and noble work
in preparing clothing for
their sons, and husbands
in the army. I spent the
28th in Mobile in geting
rations for the squads
and looking around.
On the morning of the 29th
we took pasage on the
Mary Wilson for Ten
sad Landing. We then took
the train for Montgomery.
We went on to Polard"...