Sunday, November 13, 2011

Page 4 November 13 - 18, 1862

For the first time we have a date and narrative.  I have decided not to do each day since the days run together on the page, but will do one image with the left and right side and with whatever dates happen to be on those pages.  As you can see from this image some of the writing is very difficult to read.

Left Side

W. H. Yancy  Co. A.
2 cotton Shirts
1 Lincy    "
1 Kint     "
1 Par. pants
1 over coat
1 Bedtick
1 Par. socks
1 Bundle of clothing for
Wm. Malone, the contents
not known also 1 Blanket
2 Coats. 2 Vests. 2  pr.
pants. 2 par Drawers 1
pr. socks. To J A Smith.

Right Side
Thursday 13th 1862
I took dinner at Robt Donelsons.
Friday November 14th I took dinner at Pa's today and
then went to Zeb. Millers
and from there to Sister
Yancys. November Saturday
15th I was depositing clothing.
Stayed all night at Sister
Martins & Lodons. Sab
ath I took dinner at
Mr. Rob Donneldson
Spent the night at
brother Brammlets. I then
returned to Mrs. Yancys and
was geting the clothing sorted
November Monday 17th To
day I have to [march?] a  ?
? to Col. Lowrey at Cherry
Creek Pontotoc County.
Home Tuesday 18th.  ?
to  ?  town.  Spent the

1 comment:

  1. To even have a diary to transcribe is such a treasure!
    Theresa (Tangled Trees)
